Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shark Week Cupcake Topper Flags, for Shark Week!

I've always been fascinated, yet terrified of sharks, for as long as I remember. Though I grew up swimming in the ocean with my dad, playing in the waves, body surfing and boogie boarding, I've never been afraid of sharks while playing in the waves. But drop me off the side of a boat in open water and that's another story. Even better, into dark water, get me outta the water. NOW!

Enter Shark Week, on the National Geographic channel. My favorite are those shark attack survivor programs. Those people are BRAVE. Especially the ones that go back into the water. My DVR is set to record, "I Escaped Jaws", this week.

In celebration of Shark Week, I created some Shark Week themed cupcake topper flags.  I LOVE these, just because they are FLAGS!!  Simple and adorable.  If shark cupcake topper decorations can be adorable, these are them! 

I've posted the template for sale in my Esty shop, so you can make your own, for your own Shark Week themed party, or if you're bringing cupcakes (or any dish) to a Shark Week party.

To purchase and download this template and make your own cupcake topper flags, click HERE!

I love how easy they are to make, with very few supplies (paper, toothpicks, scissors and glue - optional: paper cutter) and they look SO CUTE!  Perfect for beginner DIY'ers! 

Get out your supplies, print template onto regular copy paper (or cardstock) - I used regular copy paper.
Using paper cutter or scissors, cut flags length-wise
Cut flags apart (2 per strip) i.e. cut white diamond in half
Using scissors, cut out white triangles, to create tips of flags
Fold flags in half
 Even little hands can help:
Apply glue with a glue stick (I used the Scotch wrinkle-free kind)
Position toothpick (I ran the top of the toothpick along the glue stick for extra glue)
Fold flag onto the toothpick


I hope you like them!  If so, you can purchase and download the template HERE

MORE SHARK WEEK PARTY IDEAS BELOW (excerpts from my "Planning a Shark Party" post):

I wanted to make "chum lemonade" for the party.  It's delicious and simple to make.  Here's the recipe:

* cans of frozen lemonade concentrate
* water
* small BOX of frozen WHOLE strawberries - 1 box per gallon of drink is plenty

Make the lemonade as directed, and place into a clear drink dispenser.  Then add the box of whole strawberries.  Mix just a little. 

Recipe Card - Free Download: HERE

Download and print the recipe card above for the "Shark Chum Lemonade": HERE

You can see how red the lemonade got.  That was purely from the strawberries; no food dye necessary.  It's DELICIOUS and it looks like there is real bloody chum floating in the lemonade!


Please also see my "Shark Week" printable party sign decorations (printable and instant download), from my Etsy shop:

"Shark Week 2014":


FREE Shark Links and Downloads:
Here's a summary of some FREE Shark links and downloads:

Shark-Themed Coloring Pages: HERE
"CHUM: Feed the Shark" sign - For Feed the Shark game: HERE
20 Shark Coloring Pages - Hammerhead, Basking, Great White, Mako, Lemon, Thresher, Tiger, Whale, Nurse, Frilled, Carpetshark, Pacific Angel, Prickly, Whitetip Reed, Blind, Sixgill, Sevengill, California Horn, Common Sawshark, Megalodon: HERE 
Shark Party Hat Tutorial: HERE
Shark Chum Lemonade Recipe: HERE


Here is my Shark party Pinterest page: HERE.  You'll see several more ideas that I wanted to do for this party, that I thought were so great, but I didn't have time to complete.

Click HERE


Here's the link to the Shark Fin Tutorial and is for sale in my Etsy shop: HERE


I'd love to see your comments and links to your own blog postings about your own Shark Week parties!  Thank you for reading my Shark Week posting!


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