Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break Fun with Baking Soda and Vinegar

It's spring break this week and I definitely don't want to keep the tv on all week for my preschooler, so I've researched some fun activities to do to keep him entertained this week. One of the best and easiest I found was on Pinterest. Oh how I love Pinterest. It's full, FULL, of ideas.

I came across this pin which described how it kept her 2 and 4 yr olds entertained for hours. Hours? I'm in! This idea is a modern take on the old science fair volcano experiment, but for toddlers! I pinned it and tried it out today, on our first day of Spring Break. True to form, my 4-yr-old has been quiet for about 20 mins straight now, and counting.

Box of baking soda (I used my old one out of our freezer)
Bottle of white vinegar
Food coloring
Glass baking dish
small bowls for the colored vinegar
eye dropper, straws, medicine dropper, or something to drip out the vinegar

Dump out the baking soda out into the glass baking dish, spread out evenly. Fill small bowls with about 1/2" to an 1" of vinegar, add 2 - 4 drops of food coloring into the vinegar and mix. I used toothpicks to mix.

Paper your table or put down some newspaper, put your child's painting smock on and hand over the dropper.  And you're all set!

A plastic cup of water to rinse the dropper.

A fork for "raking" the globs of vinegar

Relax and enjoy the sweet silence.


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